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  3. All The Time

All The Time


I got all the time in the world Don't you want some of that I' got all the time in the world Don't you want some of that Don't you want some of that I would if I were you I had all (all) the (the) time (time) In the world You wanted none of that I had all (all) the (the) time (time) In the world You wanted none of that You wanted none of that I would if I were you Put my work (work) in (in) front (front) Of my girl There's something wrong with that Put my work (work) in (in) front (front) Of my girl There's something wrong with that Something really, really wrong with that I know this to be true

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※ Songwriter

Afie Jurvanen


Submitted on October 12, 2022 by Anonymous


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Release Name or Album Name

Bahamas Is Afie

Release Date

August 19, 2014


language English


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don't wrong some none time world something with want wanted that front work


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