1. Home
  2. Passenger
  3. Caravan



Poor the petrol can Around this caravan And watch the flames take all you own There's a girl who understands Like the back of her two hands She's all you need to know 'Cause you search for years but you lose everything you find There's Braille for the deaf and a signpost for the blind There's heaven for the cruel but the devil waits for the kind And you follow the black bird home Through the early winter snow Your foot prints track you through the grass And you ache just to smell her clothes And her cooking down on the stove You see her face in everyone you pass 'Cause you search for years but you lose everything you find There's Braille for the deaf and a signpost for the blind There's heaven for the cruel but the devil waits for the kind And you walk down to her window And press your face against the glass Only to find that she is happy in his arms 'Cause you search for years but you lose everything you find There's Braille for the deaf and a signpost for the blind There's heaven for the cruel but the devil waits for the kind --- Caravan - Passenger

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Submitted on October 24, 2022 by Anonymous


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The best of

Release Name or Album Name

Wide Eyes Blind Love

Record Label

Black Crow Records

Release Date

November 20, 2009


language English


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waits devil everything 'cause there's cruel years signpost braille heaven blind lose search kind find deaf


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